At Christ Summit our goal is to help expand the reach of your ministry and amplify the impact of your efforts. We have been helping churches and groups stay connected throughout COVID-19 as well as infuse creativity in their approach to Bible Study and Fellowship. The current situation opened opportunities in the Field of MinTech (ministry and technology). In the month of April we piloted our Virtual Bible Studies kicking it off with The Art of Neighboring. More are scheduled throughout the year and we will partner with churches and Christian businesses to help them launch their own Virtual Bible Studies to equip their congregation and edify the body of Christ.

We will be working with RightNow Media to host various events throughout the year (Work As Worship Retreat, Marriage Night, Focus, etc.) both physically and virtually. We will also work with churches and Christian businesses to establish their own approach to evangelism and outreach in the virtual space.

Seminaries are aware about the need to equip the leaders of the church on the integration of Ministry & Technology. COVID-19 has created a SHIFT in how ministry is done.