We have mobilized our partners globally to help churches, families, and Christian businesses affected by COVID-19. Christ Summit & CRUX LLC have partnered with over 150+ companies globally from various industries. We have setup over $384,000 worth of business tools to help churches, families, and businesses recover from the impact of the pandemic.
If you have people who need to work virutally MeetFox is available. This will give them access for 90 days (not 60 days from the video). Please share the code 'christsummit' for a free Meetfox plan.

We are continuing to gather resources to help in whatever way we can. We have also helped many churches transition virtually giving them access to Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, EyesOn, RightNow Media, etc. This is an unprecedented time and it’s amazing to see God at work as the body of Christ willingly offer themselves to be the hands and feet of Jesus.